Thursday, February 17, 2011

Me n My Hunter cat

I started off this blog with a tale of how I gave myself concussion by standing on a rake whilst hunting a mouse with my cat...

Here ia another tale, less happy, n mainly putting it down as I have not yet fully assimalated in my brain what happened and I want to sort out my head space so I am able to do a better job next time.

Long story...

i live next to a Thai restaraunt which has this humungous vent fan thing that sucks out all the air from their kitchen.  In doing so a lot of the greas n oil that is being sucked out ends up coagulating n dripping down the outside of the vent, pretty gross actually.

Occassionally small city birds somehow land on the vent or run in to it or something and end up geting covered in oil and cant fly.

During the last year three of the poor buggers have suffered this fate and ended up in my back yard, dunno why they run my back yard as a refuge but so they do.

The first one was a sparrow and I managed to catch it n wash it and a day or so later it flew away...

The second one i don't know what it was, and when I found it it was in a horrible way totally covered with a matt of oil and sand... I killed it to put it out of its misery.

The third one just happened... I saw this Indian Minah looked like a fledgeling but definately an adult, just all its feathers coated in oil...

it was still pretty lively... hopping about, keeping out of the way of the cat, but totally unable to fly and definately oily...

I spent a bit of time stalking it trying to corner it so i gould grab it and give it a bit of a wash... made a couple of unsuccessful grabs and finally had the cat on my side and we managed to get the poor little bird in a poss where it had to make a run for it, got the cat behind the bird, and said cat starts to chase the bird towards me... It was a piteous site, tho fascinating as my cat was in full hunter mode, running behind the bird in a flatttened sort of way, the poor bugger bird running for its life wings tattered n outstretched, screaming its head off, and for some reason, I just froze and didn't grab it when I should have, bird runs between my legs, hops up the steps, flops the two meters down into my other neighbours yard lands on its head, creeps beneath a bush and dies.

I just don't get why i froze and didn't just reach down and grab the poor thing, give it a wash and sort it out... Though I have to confess i have a fascinating mind picture of the cat in full hunter mode, the hopeless yet determined bird  running from the jaws of death, BURNT into my brain,

Hopefully next time I'll keep my shit together and do it right ...


1 comment:

  1. O dear, bugger indeed.
    Cats are the ultimate predator though, aren't they? Amazing to watch.
